Using the Microphones (School Gym)

  1. Grab the microphones you need. Wireless Handheld #1 and Headset #4 are in the drawer by the sound board. The others are stored in the drawers in the AV closet around the corner from the stage.

  2. Turn on the microphones and check the battery meter on each mic. Replace the batteries if needed. (Extras are kept in the drawer by the sound board.

  3. To adjust mic volume, go to the sound board and raise or lower the faders labeled "HHMIC 1" through "HHMIC 4".

Note: There is a handheld mic #1 and a headset mic #1; a handheld #2 and a headset #2; etc.. You can only use one microphone with a given number at once.

Okay: Using handheld #1 and headset #2 simultaneously

Not okay: Using handheld #1 and headset #1 simultaneously

When finished:

  1. Turn microphones off and return them to their respective drawers.