Using the Permanently Installed Desktop Computer (School Dining Hall)

  1. Open the AV rack in the alcove. Locate the computer and make sure it is turned on (power light illuminated). Turn it on if necessary.

  2. Locate the touchscreen in the AV rack.

  3. If the touchscreen is black, tap it to wake it up. Do you see the screen below? If so, press "System Shutdown" and confirm so that we can start fresh.

4. Tap the START button. The screen will come down and the projector will turn on.

5. If it isn't already selected, choose "Rack PC" under Audio/Video Sources.

6. Locate the computer in the equipment rack. Turn it on if it is not already on.

7. Locate the wireless computer keyboard in the equipment rack. Ensure the keyboard power is turned on .

8. Computer volume can be adjusted using the "Source Volume" control on the lower right side of the touchscreen along with the volume buttons on the computer keyboard.

When finished:

  1. Return all equipment back.

  2. On the touchscreen, hit the red "System Shut Down" button on the touchscreen and confirm.


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